Month: June 2008

  • IDS 98 “Rock the Casbah”

    This week we have an interview with Lane Davies about the inaugural performance by the Tennessee Shakespeare Festival of William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. We discuss the impending SAG […]

  • IDS 97 “The Wreck”

    So we are back from an unplanned hiatus, this week we have an interview with the Reduced Shakespeare Company, Tee “pays the rent”, and we discover some midwestern angst. Deep […]

  • IDS 96 “Hiatus”

    I decided to call this one hiatus because that’s exactly what it is. Due to circumstances beyond our control, John and I had to take a week off this week: […]

  • IDS 95 “Chicago”

    This week we have an interview with an actor based in New York with “southern roots”, Estes Tarver. Our Deep Fried Theatre of the week is Naked Stages and we […]

  • IDS 94 “Hustle up the Hancock”

    This week we have an interview with producer/actor Mike Landry of C Plus Pictures about his film project Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Undead and John promos the plans for the […]

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