Month: July 2009

  • 154 This Week in Review

    With the difficulties of surgery and a wedding, this week is a “best of show”.  We will be back next week with a brand new episode…until then enjoy the following: […]

  • 153 Bama Theatre Company

    This week we have an interview with Alison Frederick from the Bama Theatre Company.  We discuss their 8 person production of “A Midsummer’s Night Dream” and how they are taking […]

  • 152 Stage Directions

    This week we have an interview with Jacob Coakley, Editor, of Stage Directions magazine.  We also discuss his use of new media and social websiting for theatre people, TheatreFace.

  • 151 “Stoney Westmoreland Exposé”

    This week:  An exclusive and explosive exposé of actor Stoney Westmoreland.  Listen carefully as he makes us an offer that we can’t refuse.

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