Month: October 2012

  • IDS 304 Halloween 2012

    Trick or Treat!  I am joined by Cecilia Lighthall, Production Manager at TN Rep, as we discuss Halloween traditions.  The latest production, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, is also discussed.  […]

  • IDS 303 The 39 Steps

    This week I give a shout out to the cast & crew of The 39 Steps which opens this weekend at Lamplighter’s Theatre Company. Deep Fried Theatre: The 39 Steps […]

  • IDS 302 The Desperate Hours and Macabaret

    The Desperate Hours opened this weekend and was wildly successful.  It continues Fridays-Sundays through the month of October.  Another offering that Street Theatre Company has for you is the return […]

  • IDS 301 The Desperate Hours Opening This Week

    The Desperate Hours opens this weekend at Street Theatre Company.  Call 615-554-7414 for tickets or go here!   As always, if you got a thought about this or any IDS […]

  • IDS 300 This is IDS

    Happy 300th episode of the Inexplicable Dumb Show!!  Joining me to celebrate is playwright, Kristoffer Diaz.  Come check out the fun! Paying the Rent: Kristoffer’s Tumblr His workshop Got a […]

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