Month: November 2012

  • IDS 308 The Pearl in the Hogwaller

    I am joined again by Becca McCoy Engle as we discuss the performance of her cabaret act, The Pearl in the Hogwaller.  A Chicago debut! November 30, 2012 – 8pm […]

  • IDS 307 Turkey Day 2012

    Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!  I am joined by Becca McCoy Engle to chat Turkey day traditions and family.  There is a hot rum punch recipe and a little favor for John […]

  • IDS 306 TN Rep

    I am joined by Cecilia Lighthall, Production Manager at TN Rep, as we discuss the rep’s Christmas show, A Christmas Story.  We also discuss the Ingram New Works Festival.  Enjoy! […]

  • IDS 305 Election Day Special 2012

    Celia Lighthall joins me in Studio 1103 to talk elections.  The IDS will resume regularly scheduled Theatre talk next week, but in the meantime, please vote!  Election Day is Tuesday […]

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