Month: July 2017

  • IDS 552 IDS SR 17 Good Salesman

    This is our July installment of this year’s IDS Summer Rep and we offer a catfish story that ends well.  Enjoy our take on Presentation No. 4 from the Campbell […]

  • IDS 551 Deep Fried Theatre Callboard

    Well, IDSers!  This has been a busy week with life stuff so, this week has no guest but here are some postings on the IDS callboard that I wanted to […]

  • IDS 550 Amy Stumpfl

    This week I’m joined via Skype by Amy Stumpfl, freelance Theatre Critic and Arts Reviewer, whose articles are most often featured in The Tennessean.  We discuss theory of criticism and […]

  • IDS 549 Taylor Gentry

    This week I’m joined via Skype by Taylor Gentry, podcaster/videographer/storyteller, as we chat podcasting among other things.  Check out what amazing things he’s doing at  Enjoy!! Paying the Rent: Got […]

  • IDS 548 Happy Fourth of July IDSers!!

    Happy Independence Day!!  Happy Birthday, America!!  Happy Fourth of July, IDSers!!  We celebrate by offering you:  American Trilogy: Walt Whitman from June 20, 1944.  Enjoy!! Our IDS Cast: and… A. […]

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