IDS 608 Happy New Year Special 2019

Happy New Year, IDSers!! We send 2018 off and welcome 2019 with an episode of the Ziegfeld Follies of the Air which featured comedian Jack Pearl with his straight man, Cliff Hall. Enjoy this classic bit of Vaudeville comedy from 1932! Have a Joyous and Safe New Year’s Eve!!

Cliff Hall (left) and Jack Pearl (right)

Our IDS Cast:

Brad Oxnam as Jack Pearl.
John Mauldin as Cliff Hall.

with the IDS’s own Ziegfeld Girl…

Tara Mauldin as Announcer.

Got a thought about this IDS episode?  Let your voice be heard by calling 615-866-1282 (VM) or put it in an e-mail [podcast(at)inexplicabledumbshow(dot)com]

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