IDS Episode 40 “Lordy, Lordy…”

This week we take a look at Hyde Park Theatre, have a spirited discussion with our roving curmudgeon, Paul B. Crook…and IDS is serenaded by one of our listeners!

Deep Fried Theatre:

The Curmudgeon:

The Buzz:

  • Rebecca Roosman of Edinburgh
  • E-mail us your thoughts!

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3 Replies to “IDS Episode 40 “Lordy, Lordy…””

  1. Rebecca Roosman

    How is the Dean of Student Affairs (at Yale) response to the tragetdy at Virginia Tech viable? It is NOT. Truly, how does one expect stopping violence in the world by banning stage weapons? Hells bells. A fist is a weapon. Has Betty Thingammy been to Iraq lately? Has Betty Thicktick -a – a whatever her name is — been ANYWHERE past her tea and scones existence? How on earth did she get her job? Maybe she ought to consider a new job. Working in an armaments factory perhaps? then she might know what real violence is all about. How on EARTH would banning stage weapons change the course of violence we are treading on this planet? Banning stage weapons is not the answer to finding a way to curb violence; And wooden swords? She astonishes me; all the more for the fact that she must posses some MODICUM of intelligence in order to qualify for the work she does at Yale. Perhaps she’s brilliant with cooking spaghetti. (Re: Zorro with swinging noodles.) Forgive me , but any idiot can figure out that weapons made of wood can have like disatrous effects by the very nature of its fabric. A piece of wood can splinter , can poke someone’s eye out as much as a steel sabre can. Viable responses as to what happened at Virgina Tech is for people to seriously begin addressing the easy access to real weapons people have in the U.S. If, through what we don’t know ( and Betty at Yale obviously doesn’t know what stage combat is all about) we begin to censor and attack the arts and are allowed to get away with such idiotic responses, then we may as well just close theatres down. The more we censor ourselves, the more we will breed ignorance. Ignorance is a terribly tragic condition. Betty, I like my spaghetti ‘al dente’. Oh! No! But that might break my teeth! Well, time ban the Betty Spaghetti Battle…….

  2. Rebecca Roosman

    An addendum:
    In praise of Paul Crook- many thanks for venting spleen so eloquently. One cannot agree more.

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