
  • IDS 168 the philosophy of oedipus rex audiobook

    This week we have interview with…well…us.  Each of us has a paying the rent.  Tee is recording an audio book.  John is playing Oedipus in a three person version of […]

  • IDS 167 Scott Walters

    This week we have a discussion with Scott Walters about a new business model for theatres in a small market.  We also discuss the “myth of Broadway”. Deep Fried Theatre: […]

  • IDS 166 Some Things Wicked

    This week we discuss freshperson’s showcase at MTSU.  It is alarming! Call us 615-866-1282 and tell us what you think…or send us an e-mail (podcast@inexplicabledumbshow.com)

  • IDS 165 Red Mountain Theatre

    This week we have an interview of Keith Cromwell, Executive Director, of Red Mountain Theatre Company.  He gives us the lowdown on their season starting with their current production of  […]

  • IDS 164 Stage Directions & TheatreFace

    We have returning this week… Jacob Coakley, editor of Stage Directions, to discuss new developments over at theatreface and his challenge for November. Payin the Rent: Stage Directions TheatreFace Tell […]

  • 163 IDS Community Theatre

    This week we have an interview with multi-Wing Award Nominee…Sarah Lena Brown as she discusses the joys of community theatre. Deep Fried Theatre Sarah’s Blog (The Anvil Tree) Theatre Huntsville […]

  • IDS 162 Deep Fried Football

    This week we talk a little something about a few things that we follow besides theatre…Football and Golf.  Also, come check out People’s Branch Theatre’s production of Galileo. Deep Fried […]

  • IDS 161 Freshperson’s Showcase

    Joining us in the studio this week is Steve Wedan to talk about a project that is near and dear to our hearts, Freshperson’s Showcase.  This year’s production is the […]

  • 160 The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Diety

    This week we have an interview with playwright, Kristoffer Diaz, where we discuss his new work on wrestling and geopolitics. Payin’ the Rent: Kristoffer’s blog Victory Gardens Theatre (Chicago, IL) […]

  • IDS 159 “Dear Finder”

    This week we interview “Hollywood” Jackie Holmes Springfield and discuss her latest project at MTSU…”Dear Finder”. Dumbshow University: MTSU Theatre Dear Finder Tom Isbell Tell us what you think by […]

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