IDS 576 Happy Easter and April Fools Day: the 2018 IDS Special

Happy Easter and Happy April Fools Day, IDSers!!  It is tricky to have two holidays on the same day but we celebrate this unusual pairing of holidays with a classic OTR episode entitled Iris and Liz’s Easter Dresses from Lucille Ball’s radio series, My Favorite Husband. Enjoy!!

Our IDS Cast:

Tara Mauldin as Liz Cooper.
John Mauldin as George Cooper and Manager.


Kristin James as Iris Atterbury.


Brad Oxnam as Mr. Atterbury and Salesgirl.

Got a thought about this IDS episode?  Let your voice be heard by calling 615-866-1282 (VM) or put it in an e-mail [podcast(at)inexplicabledumbshow(dot)com]

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