IDS 428 Quiet Please-Dark Rosaleen-St. Patrick’s Day 2015

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, IDSers!  Enjoy the IDS’s production of a Quiet, Please version of an old Irish Tale…Dark Rosaleen.


Wayne finds no more reason to continue living the moment the doctor told him the news that Elizabeth, his bride to be, is now dead. A man named Patrick stops Wayne from taking his own life and takes him to a strange island where a beautiful woman named “Dark Rosaleen” is residing. Can she mend this almost broken life and encourage him to go on?

The Cast:

John Mauldin as Wayne.
John Mauldin as Wayne.
Brad Oxnam as Arnold and Patrick.
Cassie Hamilton as Announcer, Shan Van Vocht and Dark Rosaleen.
Cassie Hamilton as Announcer, Shan Van Vocht and Dark Rosaleen.
  • Musical excerpts used in this podcast are from the album Uilleann Pipes by Pat Mitchell which can be purchased here.


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