IDS Episode 67a – “The Thanksgiving Special”

John and I took the week off this week to spend a little time with our families for the holidays, but we were fortunate enough to have Mr. Collins and Mr. Young step in for us and record a Thanksgiving Special (complete with special guest). We hope you had a great Thanksgiving and we’ll see you again next week for Episode 68, “The Long Duk Dong”.

9 Replies to “IDS Episode 67a – “The Thanksgiving Special””

  1. Tracy

    I loved this week’s show! Especially that Mason Dixon!!!! He has such a sexy voice!! How bout a date sir Mason? *wink*

  2. Ro

    This has to be one of the funniest damn things I’ve heard in a long time! You guys had me in tears from all the laughing at 8am!

    On an aside, I even forgive you for the cat stuffing (my “children” weren’t offended either) and the possum claws (yes, my newest addition is a possum I’ve named Esmerelda – though I’m not sure what the sex is, how does one tell the sex of a possum?).

    Thank you for a wonderful laugh filled morning and I think you guys need to take your act on the road! Sort of an NPR type show for pretentious rednecks.

  3. Sue

    This is simply one of the funniest things I’ve ever had the absolute pleasure of hearing.

    “Was it a pastry?”
    “You don’t waste a good possum. ”

    “Were you teething at the time that you tried this fine bourbon or were you slightly older?
    I was walking, though not steadily – especially after the bourbon, which puts me at about 2-1/2. ”

    “Sponge Bob did him in. ”

    And then the cat stuffing….I swear, there’s a yappy little pekingese two doors down, and it’s worth considering. I’ve thought about a soup, but stuffing would hide the precious little dear ever so much better.

    Bravo! Bravo! Most excellent! Thank you from the bottom of my tush (it’s so much bigger than my heart.)

    From the silver tongued Mr. Tarkington (the third) and his equally as entertaining friends, I am indebted to you for starting my day off with a full blown gigglefest. Ah sweah, Ah’m keeping this one on mah iPod forevah and evah, and evah.

  4. TheFilmHo

    You boys let me know when you’re passin’ thru East Memphis and I’ll make sure you’re treated to some fine bourbon as thanks for this enlightenin’ and most amusin’ Thanksgivin’ Special. Give me enough notice and I’ll see if I can’t find us a possum too.

  5. TrishDr

    What a marvelious, hilarious show this morning, love Mason Dixon Tarkington lll/Lane Davies and friends, so many funny comments about possun claws, snuff, cat stuffing, bourbon at 2 1/2, lady folks call it ball busters, etc. etc. etc…more please, loved it, just love it…I think I feel like spoiling himself…signed, the spoiler…

  6. Tracy

    I just wanted to make another comment to say how much I truly enjoyed the show. Lane should be on every week! I never laughed as much as I did listening to the show today! He is a pure delight! It was hilarious hearing about the cat stuffing etc. Lane just shines in anything he does!!! I have been a fan of his since 1983 and he never seems to amaze me with his talent. I’ve gotten hooked on these shows because of Lane’s appearances. Thank you Lane for making these shows so enjoyable!!!

  7. TrishDr

    MDTlll, I was thinking about adding some possum or maybe cat to my annual Southern Maryland Stuffed Ham for the holiday’s just in honor of himself, and don’t you worry I won’t forget to bring you some also along with your new friends… (grinning from ear to ear)…the spoiler…

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